Beautiful Ginger. We all know it as a spice. Some of us even use it as a "home remedy." But why is it still not considered part of the conventional medical standard of care?
The following pediatrician’s commentary attacking vaccine religious exemptions was published by Raleigh’s News & Observer on February 24, 2012. As the N&O failed to publish my response, I’m publishing it here, where truth is welcome, following the pediatrician’s article immediately below.
Startling research published in the journal Apoptosis indicates that hepatitis B vaccine, which is designed to prevent Hepatitis B virus-induced damage to the liver, actually causes liver cell destruction
Florida's religious and medical rights are still under attack. It's up to each of us standing up together that will allow us to make a difference
As you’ve been reading the news these days, have you noticed a new angle on the “anti-vaccine movement?”
Bioethicist Art Caplan, Ph.D. of NY Univ. argues that parents of unvaccinated children should be held liable for illness or death allegedly caused by their children. This article rebuts Caplan's position, and explains why liability should fall, if with anyone on this issue, on him, for the deliberate or negligent use of his academic status and authority, supported by false information, to promote a flawed vaccine policy resulting in avoidable vaccine injury and death
Environmental and humanitarian legend RFK, Jr., mainstream media, and the very corrupt CDC. Interview by Autism File executive editor, Rita Shreffler
We often hear that correlation is not causation, so why are world renowned scientists treating the Zika virus as the sole cause of microcephaly in Brazil when there are so many other factors?
Yet Again Children Are Left Paralyzed From Oral Polio Vaccines
Searching the terms vaccines, Roundup, GMOs, and supplements among others using Google has been discovered to be yield biased results heavily favoring the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries
How do vaginally delivered, exclusively breastfed infants fare in comparison to their Cesearean delivered, formula-fed counterparts? Does it impact the delicate infant microbiome?
Let's face it: the only real justification for using vaccines to "immunize" ourselves against disease is derived from the natural fact that when challenged by infectious agents the humoral arm of our immune system launches a successful response capable of conferring lasting immunity. Were it not for the elegance, proficiency, and mostly asymptomatic success of our recombinatorial immune system in dealing so well with infectious challenges, vaccination would have no scientific...
In the barrage of information you come across daily online, how do you know what's true and what's nothing more than hearsay, gossip or all-out lies?
On Thursday, December 12, the New Jersey Senate Health Committee held a hearing on bill S2173 that will repeal the religious exemption to vaccination
Over the years, the government and business monopolies, including the likes of Big Tech, have formed a global alliance hell-bent on protecting and concentrating member profits
Healthy People 2020's latest recommendations are vast in scope and include government intrusion into nearly ever conceivable area of personal life and health, including a National Vaccine Plan.
With so much fear and hypervigilance, we as Americans are having a difficult time recognizing friend from foe, and we seem to be destroying ourselves
It is time to reflect upon why we, the people, have elected the kind of politicians who are voting to compel every American living in every state to use every vaccine that Big Pharma sells and the federal government orders doctors to administer - no questions asked and no exceptions
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of the World Mercury Project (WMP), announced a $100,000 challenge today aimed at putting an end to including mercury, a neurotoxin that is 100 times more poisonous than lead, in vaccines administered in the U.S and globally.
Following vaccine injections, a new neurological and immune-mediated condition is being observed that appears to result from exposure to their ingredients, including aluminum.
Data shows evidence of a relationship between the timing of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and “isolated autism,” now called regressive autism
We are in a desperate time and many people are oblivious to it. Rats that eat GMO food have been shown to grow deadly tumors. Our water is often tainted with plastic leaching BPA, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and other toxins. Barium salts, and aluminum have been documented as aerosols sprayed into the atmosphere for mysterious reasons which range from communication enhancements, to weather control, and, what is termed 'culling conspiracies.'
Irrational Measles Fear is being used as a Pretext for Infringing on Individual Rights
Taking Away the Last Barrier Protecting Innocent Children from Big Pharma