In a disturbing turn of events, Big Pharma pushes to hijack informed consent by removing side effects from direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising.
According to the World Health Organization, 80% of the world's population uses herbal medicine. Are these hundreds of millions of people simply deluded by superstitious nostrums, as Wikipedia and so-called 'skeptics' claim?
As a country and a society, we’ve never been anywhere close to “herd immunity” through vaccination, but where are all the epidemics? That doesn’t keep vaccine makers from using herd immunity as a weapon to guilt and scare parents. Why are we allowing “mythology to trump science”?
AMERICANS are highly distracted. They won't recall the efficacy of the flu vaccine from year to year. That's why Sanjay Gupta can go on the news and remind us that his 30% estimate (likely an overestimate) of how well the flu vaccine works is not like past years, the good old days in which the vaccine was 60-70% effective, and not bat an eye
James Corbett and James Evan Pilato discuss a number of topics in this video, but most pressingly is their first story concerning some shocking information about the current state of the COVID vaccine
Attorney Alan Phillips needs your help - with zero evidence of wrong doing and in clear violation of attorney-client privilege, the NC State bar is currently seeking his clients' records
Government funded tetanus vaccines, Keynan Catholic Bishops and miscarriages. How are these things connected to one another?
The federal government and the CDC keep trying to push the Zika vaccine narrative onto us in an attempt to convince us that their role in our lives is not only beneficial, but necessary. Now, it looks like they want to use that narrative to grab even more power.
Something is very wrong when the press so willingly shuts its collective eyes to the worst charge of medical corruption and fraud in our history.
It is time to reflect upon why we, the people, have elected the kind of politicians who are voting to compel every American living in every state to use every vaccine that Big Pharma sells and the federal government orders doctors to administer - no questions asked and no exceptions
The globe-spanning presence of wheat and its exalted status among secular and sacred institutions alike differentiates this food from all others presently enjoyed by humans. Yet the unparalleled rise of wheat as the very catalyst for the emergence of ancient civilization has not occurred without a great price
Petroleum forms the basis of one of the most devastating adjuvants in existence. Historically, it was considered too dangerous for use in vaccines, but it's making a comeback in this new age of recombinant DNA vaccine development. Of course, the public relations mantra is that it's safe - so why is it kept quiet?
Recently discovered evidence points to obstruction of justice and fraud conducted by two Department of Justice lawyers, leading to denial of justice to over 5,000 vaccine-injured families
Watch the trailer now! Medical Racism, premiering March 11, chronicles the medical cartel's history of targeting minorities for unethical experiments, the acquiescence of regulatory agencies and medical ethicists, and the silence of physicians who allow these atrocities to continue today
On Thursday, December 12, the New Jersey Senate Health Committee held a hearing on bill S2173 that will repeal the religious exemption to vaccination
A biomedical revolution throws previous medical research into question as it opens new doors to wellness
With so much fear and hypervigilance, we as Americans are having a difficult time recognizing friend from foe, and we seem to be destroying ourselves
Over the years, the government and business monopolies, including the likes of Big Tech, have formed a global alliance hell-bent on protecting and concentrating member profits
Today, we are witnessing the erosion of core values that our constitutional democracy was founded upon - demonization and discrimination against anyone opposing zero tolerance vaccine laws
Scientists reveal how a hyperactivated immune system can unleash disease,
California SB276, a bill that seeks to limit religious vaccine exemptions, is being supported 3 to 5 'in concept' despite the very real concerns of over 1000 parents and medical professionals
Don't California my [Insert State Here]: The egregious injustice of SB276 and its trailer bill, which solidified sweeping vaccine legislation into law, was enacted under the false pretenses of fraudulent exemptions, targets medically fragile children, and will usher in an age of medical tyranny
Formerly imprisoned vaccine-risk aware Michigan mom Rebecca Bredow is the first person to admit she’s not perfect. She keeps her word. She tries to avoid conflict, especially for her children. And she certainly would rather be left alone to make medical decisions about her children
With billions of dollars in annual revenue at stake, vaccine makers are pushing meningitis vaccine mandates across the country. Vaccine issues are always complex, but advocates of the meningitis mandate should consider some simple math.