One quarter of our global food supply contains a hidden hormone-disrupting danger that can cause serious acute, as well as chronic adverse health effects. A recent study on young girls in New Jersey found detectable concentrations in the urine of 2/3rds of the population sampled.
Wheat's weight-promoting effects are newly confirmed. Used to add weight to cattle before slaughter, wheat has been used to pack on the pounds in animal husbandry since the advent of the discipline. Why should we be surprised that it adds weight to humans who eat it as well?
We know that wheat harms the gut, which has been called "the second brain." So is it all that surprising to learn that it could have nerve and brain-damaging properties?
There is a growing awareness that glyphosate is much more toxic than we have been led to believe, and I am confident that in time it will be banned worldwide, just like DDT
Of all the illnesses in industrial society, diabetes takes the greatest toll. Over 100,000 people die from complications of diabetes each year. Another million lose quality of life due to metabolic syndrome. Diabetes adds $135 billion to the annual cost of healthcare in the U.S.1 Yet diabetes remains avoidable, treatable, and reversible.
Monsanto’s talk of ‘technology’ tries to hide its real objectives of control over seed through genetic engineering
Whereas conventional screenings for wheat allergies or celiac disease consider intolerance exceedingly rare, an accumulating body of clinical research now links wheat consumption with over 200 health problems. Could this be why millions of American consumers are now expressing their wholesale rejection of this "king of grains"?
In this article a key question is brought to the forefront, namely, is eating wheat and gluten free enough to obtain optimal health? The mass market has done quite a good job of accommodating the gluten & wheat free movement by providing an increasingly wide number of good tasting and relatively nutritious "whole grain" products. But are whole grains like rice, or other substitute flours like potato, really good for us?
People should know though the science is now coming back and confirming that the old wisdom is absolutely scientifically validated
Does the consumption of gluten-containing grains contribute to psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia?
If you have ever wondered why you should not eat wheat, this article is for you!
A radical new perspective on wheat's harmful properties has been proposed, which instead of looking at it as just a wholesome food that some people have problem consuming, perhaps it should be considered a pathogen with similar mechanisms of harm to viruses or bacteria.
Dill is chock-full of nutrients and compounds that are widely used for reducing excess gas, aiding in digestion and boosting the immune system. But the perks don't end there: dill also provides strong antibiotic properties
There is something that every cancer patient should hear from their oncologist when they are first diagnosed. They should be told that by making certain dietary changes, they could increase their chances of healing from cancer dramatically, no matter what course of treatment they pursue.
The Australian government, in the form of its science research arm, is joining Agribusiness profiteering by designing a GM wheat that could kill people who eat it & be inherited by their children.
How ironic it would be for the most celebrated food of Western culture -- wheat -- to be at the root of the global epidemic of depression?
Global awareness about Celiac disease (CD) is growing—unfortunately, along with some rather unhelpful perceptions. It doesn't help that "celiac disease" has become a generic blanket term not unlike how "Kleenex" today signifies no more than a box of tissue paper of any brand. So, in the public mind, "celiac disease" today stands for everything connected to a reaction to gluten.
An allergy is an exaggerated immune response or reaction to substances that are generally not harmful. Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance such as pollen, bee venom or pet dander.
Despite popular misconceptions gluten is only the tip of a very large iceberg. There are actually 23,788 distinct proteins that have been identified in wheat, any one of which could incite a negative immune reaction in the body.
Could bacteria and related microbes, widely believed to be a primary cause of disease, explain how we are capable of surviving through the self-created chemical nightmare of industrialized society?
Leaky Gut Syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions of people struggle with and don't even know it can lead to many other health conditions.
Wheat has been known for some time to contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetes, but the mechanism has not been extensively investigated. New research indicates that the gut flora may provide a 'missing link' in understanding how wheat is capable of causing such great harm.
Sayer Ji, the author of "The Dark Side of Wheat," discusses the emerging viewpoint that wheat represents a human species-specific intolerance that should be universally avoided.
Here we present you with the evidence of the universal harm of gluten.