Now that celiac disease has been allowed official entry into the annals of established medical conditions, and gluten intolerance is no longer entirely a fringe medical concept, the time has come to draw attention to the powerful little chemical in wheat known as 'wheat germ agglutinin' (WGA) which is largely responsible for many of wheat's pervasive, and difficult-to-diagnose, ill effects
The "diseases of affluence," as they are known, include diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer, and are sometimes referred to as the "Western disease" paradigm. They emerge largely in response to the type of overnourishment that occurs in relatively wealthy societies, and particularly the overconsumption of certain biologically incompatible foods that have become the nutritional centerpiece of agrarian and largely grain-based cultures.
Cultured food has a wide range of health benefits, but recent research shows it may also degrade highly toxic pesticide residues found in our food.
Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder whose incidence has been rising dramatically in the past two decades, in step with the dramatic rise in the use of glyphosate (the active ingredient in the pervasive herbicide Roundup) on core food crops
Sixteen years ago, the release of "The Dark Side of Wheat" marked a significant turning point in our understanding of wheat and its impact on human health
We know that wheat harms the gut, which has been called "the second brain." So is it all that surprising to learn that it could have nerve and brain-damaging properties?
The globe-spanning presence of wheat and its exalted status among secular and sacred institutions alike differentiates this food from all others presently enjoyed by humans. Yet the unparalleled rise of wheat as the very catalyst for the emergence of ancient civilization has not occurred without a great price
Ancient Roman soldiers were punished either with decimation or deprivation of their wheat rations. What does this tell us about the addictive power of wheat?
Could bacteria and related microbes, widely believed to be a primary cause of disease, explain how we are capable of surviving through the self-created chemical nightmare of industrialized society?
That classic Chick-fil-A taste you crave comes with a side of 55 ingredients, many unpronounceable and even more mysterious. A recent investigation by food activist Vani Hari, better known as Food Babe, reveals there's a lot more than just chicken tucked between those buttered buns - including dimethylpolysiloxane, a silicone-based chemical more commonly associated with breast implants than fast food
Monsanto’s talk of ‘technology’ tries to hide its real objectives of control over seed through genetic engineering
In this article a key question is brought to the forefront, namely, is eating wheat and gluten free enough to obtain optimal health? The mass market has done quite a good job of accommodating the gluten & wheat free movement by providing an increasingly wide number of good tasting and relatively nutritious "whole grain" products. But are whole grains like rice, or other substitute flours like potato, really good for us?
Are paleo recommendations to avoid grains and legumes due to anti-nutrient content predicated in science or founded in fear mongering? An evidence-based analysis of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to lectins, phytates, and autoimmune disease
While some of us jump for joy with the arrival of spring, others greet it with dread. The warmer weather brings torture for many allergy and asthma sufferers. But there's good news: simple diet changes can help relieve allergy and asthma symptoms.
Leaky Gut Syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions of people struggle with and don't even know it can lead to many other health conditions.
According to new research carried out by Testbiotech, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has already given non-regulated status to more than 20 plants genetically engineered with so-called genome editing techniques
One obvious sign of the metabolic syndrome epidemic is the fact that more than two-thirds of Americans are overweight and about half are obese
Cereal grains—the world’s most abundant food source—can adversely affect human behavior and mental health
Sayer Ji, the author of "The Dark Side of Wheat," discusses the emerging viewpoint that wheat represents a human species-specific intolerance that should be universally avoided.
People often balk at the concept that a gluten-free diet may improve the condition of autistic children. For so many who have tried it, the proof is not in academic publications but in the (gluten free) pudding. Nothing is more compelling than seeing improvement with your own eyes, not even a randomized, double-blinded clinical trial.
There is a growing awareness that glyphosate is much more toxic than we have been led to believe, and I am confident that in time it will be banned worldwide, just like DDT
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a commonly used "flavor enhancer," and so powerfully so that (arguably) you could spray it on roadkill and it would taste good. This omnipresent ingredient in modern mass market food takes advantage of our biologically hard-wired taste receptors, and makes it very hard to stop eating the foods "seasoned" with this ingredient.
A provocative new study confirms for the first time in a human trial that one of the adverse effects of wheat consumption includes a disruption of the levels of a hormone produced by the pituitary gland known as prolactin.
Dill is chock-full of nutrients and compounds that are widely used for reducing excess gas, aiding in digestion and boosting the immune system. But the perks don't end there: dill also provides strong antibiotic properties