People often balk at the concept that a gluten-free diet may improve the condition of autistic children. For so many who have tried it, the proof is not in academic publications but in the (gluten free) pudding. Nothing is more compelling than seeing improvement with your own eyes, not even a randomized, double-blinded clinical trial.
One obvious sign of the metabolic syndrome epidemic is the fact that more than two-thirds of Americans are overweight and about half are obese
We know that wheat harms the gut, which has been called "the second brain." So is it all that surprising to learn that it could have nerve and brain-damaging properties?
As the autism epidemic continues to accelerate, one of the least well known contributing causes goes mostly unnoticed: wheat consumption.
Wheat's weight-promoting effects are newly confirmed. Used to add weight to cattle before slaughter, wheat has been used to pack on the pounds in animal husbandry since the advent of the discipline. Why should we be surprised that it adds weight to humans who eat it as well?
Are grains toxic for everyone? Is gluten-free enough to protect your health?
The mainstream media is now declaring 'gluten sensitivity' is an imagined condition -- this in spite of millions worldwide adopting a gluten and wheat free diet. What's going on?
Despite popular misconceptions gluten is only the tip of a very large iceberg. There are actually 23,788 distinct proteins that have been identified in wheat, any one of which could incite a negative immune reaction in the body.
There is a growing awareness that glyphosate is much more toxic than we have been led to believe, and I am confident that in time it will be banned worldwide, just like DDT
There may be good reason to take glucosamine supplements for symptoms other than joint problems.
Wheat has been known for some time to contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetes, but the mechanism has not been extensively investigated. New research indicates that the gut flora may provide a 'missing link' in understanding how wheat is capable of causing such great harm.
Leaky Gut Syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions of people struggle with and don't even know it can lead to many other health conditions.
A radical new perspective on wheat's harmful properties has been proposed, which instead of looking at it as just a wholesome food that some people have problem consuming, perhaps it should be considered a pathogen with similar mechanisms of harm to viruses or bacteria.
Heart disease while still the #1 cause of mortality in the developed world, can be prevented and even reversed disease with nutrition, according to a growing body of scientific research
An allergy is an exaggerated immune response or reaction to substances that are generally not harmful. Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance such as pollen, bee venom or pet dander.
According to new research carried out by Testbiotech, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has already given non-regulated status to more than 20 plants genetically engineered with so-called genome editing techniques
Are paleo recommendations to avoid grains and legumes due to anti-nutrient content predicated in science or founded in fear mongering? An evidence-based analysis of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to lectins, phytates, and autoimmune disease
Could common complaints of bloating, abdominal tenderness and indigestion following a meal, and even the increasingly prevalent complaint lazily labeled 'irritable bowel syndrome' by conventional medicine, be worsened -- even caused -- by consuming wheat?
Gluten-free foods seem to be popping up everywhere. Is this just another diet fad?
Just five years ago, asking your server for gluten-free choices would get you the proverbial blank stare. Today it's more likely to elicit a menu page of choices. Family chains, some fast-food outlets, even ball park vendors, now include gluten-free options. Why are millions of Americans suddenly eschewing wheat?
Global awareness about Celiac disease (CD) is growing—unfortunately, along with some rather unhelpful perceptions. It doesn't help that "celiac disease" has become a generic blanket term not unlike how "Kleenex" today signifies no more than a box of tissue paper of any brand. So, in the public mind, "celiac disease" today stands for everything connected to a reaction to gluten.
Here we present you with the evidence of the universal harm of gluten.
People should know though the science is now coming back and confirming that the old wisdom is absolutely scientifically validated
Wheat consumption has been linked to psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia for over 60 years, but recent research indicates the mind-altering properties of this popular food are, in part, caused by it cutting off blood flow to the frontal cortex of the brain.
Could gluten's toxicity extend to the nervous system, producing symptoms identical to classical Parkinson's disease? A compelling case study adds to a growing body of research indicating that wheat's neurotoxicity is greatly underestimated.