Could two of the Western world's most popular foods - wheat and cow's dairy - be depleting you of your antioxidants and altering your DNA expression in a harmful way?
Sometimes going gluten free is just not enough to reduce symptoms of bloating and other functional bowel complaints, including IBS. Could there be more to the picture than previously believed? Enter the acronym FODMAPs, as it may provide a crucial missing link in solving the problem once and for all...
Wheat's weight-promoting effects are newly confirmed. Used to add weight to cattle before slaughter, wheat has been used to pack on the pounds in animal husbandry since the advent of the discipline. Why should we be surprised that it adds weight to humans who eat it as well?
The myth that you need to have 'bad genes' to experience intestinal damage from consuming wheat was disproven years ago
Sixteen years ago, the release of "The Dark Side of Wheat" marked a significant turning point in our understanding of wheat and its impact on human health
Wheat could be driving more than your digestive system crazy
That classic Chick-fil-A taste you crave comes with a side of 55 ingredients, many unpronounceable and even more mysterious. A recent investigation by food activist Vani Hari, better known as Food Babe, reveals there's a lot more than just chicken tucked between those buttered buns - including dimethylpolysiloxane, a silicone-based chemical more commonly associated with breast implants than fast food
Why is it important to recognize gastrointestinal inflammation? A look at the central role of the duodenum for our health.
Two of the Western world's most popular foods have been implicated in immune mediated brain damage.
One obvious sign of the metabolic syndrome epidemic is the fact that more than two-thirds of Americans are overweight and about half are obese
People often balk at the concept that a gluten-free diet may improve the condition of autistic children. For so many who have tried it, the proof is not in academic publications but in the (gluten free) pudding. Nothing is more compelling than seeing improvement with your own eyes, not even a randomized, double-blinded clinical trial.
Dill is chock-full of nutrients and compounds that are widely used for reducing excess gas, aiding in digestion and boosting the immune system. But the perks don't end there: dill also provides strong antibiotic properties
Grains are often called the "staff of life," having a sort of credibility that is biblical in proportion. So prevalent is the perception that grains make for "good food" that the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - which is the United Nation's international agency for defeating hunger - uses a head of wheat as its emblem, with the Latin Fiat Panis or "Let There Be Bread" as its motto
Could common complaints of bloating, abdominal tenderness and indigestion following a meal, and even the increasingly prevalent complaint lazily labeled 'irritable bowel syndrome' by conventional medicine, be worsened -- even caused -- by consuming wheat?
There may be good reason to take glucosamine supplements for symptoms other than joint problems.
If you have ever wondered why you should not eat wheat, this article is for you!
Current research indicates a clear relationship between a mother's sensitivity to gluten and the mental health of her child.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a commonly used "flavor enhancer," and so powerfully so that (arguably) you could spray it on roadkill and it would taste good. This omnipresent ingredient in modern mass market food takes advantage of our biologically hard-wired taste receptors, and makes it very hard to stop eating the foods "seasoned" with this ingredient.
A provocative new study confirms for the first time in a human trial that one of the adverse effects of wheat consumption includes a disruption of the levels of a hormone produced by the pituitary gland known as prolactin. is excited to announce it has reached a new milestone: the indexing of over 20,000 study abstracts in support of natural medicine, all of which are free to view by anyone in the world with internet access.
There is something that every cancer patient should hear from their oncologist when they are first diagnosed. They should be told that by making certain dietary changes, they could increase their chances of healing from cancer dramatically, no matter what course of treatment they pursue.
A new study links wheat and gluten consumption to weight gain and type 1 diabetes, confirming an already extensive body of research already establishing this connection.
Food addictions are not strictly “psychological” problems, but have a hard-wired, organic component. Many of the most commonly consumed foods in Western culture actually contain narcotic properties associated with the presence of psychoactive chemicals that bind to opioid receptors in the nervous system.
While some of us jump for joy with the arrival of spring, others greet it with dread. The warmer weather brings torture for many allergy and asthma sufferers. But there's good news: simple diet changes can help relieve allergy and asthma symptoms.