Are paleo recommendations to avoid grains and legumes due to anti-nutrient content predicated in science or founded in fear mongering? An evidence-based analysis of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to lectins, phytates, and autoimmune disease
Wheat consumption has been linked to psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia for over 60 years, but recent research indicates the mind-altering properties of this popular food are, in part, caused by it cutting off blood flow to the frontal cortex of the brain.
As the autism epidemic continues to accelerate, one of the least well known contributing causes goes mostly unnoticed: wheat consumption.
If you have ever wondered why you should not eat wheat, this article is for you!
Cultured food has a wide range of health benefits, but recent research shows it may also degrade highly toxic pesticide residues found in our food.
Wheat has been known for some time to contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetes, but the mechanism has not been extensively investigated. New research indicates that the gut flora may provide a 'missing link' in understanding how wheat is capable of causing such great harm.
There may be good reason to take glucosamine supplements for symptoms other than joint problems.
Why is it important to recognize gastrointestinal inflammation? A look at the central role of the duodenum for our health.
Did you know that most calcium supplements on the market are basically limestone? Yes, that's chalk. Conceal it within a capsule, a slickly glazed tablet, or in the form of a silky smooth liquid, and it is magically transformed into a "calcium supplement": easy to swallow, “good for the bones" and a very profitable commodity for both the dietary supplement and mining industries. After all, a sizable portion of the Earth's crust is composed of the stuff.
According to new research carried out by Testbiotech, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has already given non-regulated status to more than 20 plants genetically engineered with so-called genome editing techniques
One quarter of our global food supply contains a hidden hormone-disrupting danger that can cause serious acute, as well as chronic adverse health effects. A recent study on young girls in New Jersey found detectable concentrations in the urine of 2/3rds of the population sampled.
Two of the Western world's most popular foods have been implicated in immune mediated brain damage.
The globe-spanning presence of wheat and its exalted status among secular and sacred institutions alike differentiates this food from all others presently enjoyed by humans. Yet the unparalleled rise of wheat as the very catalyst for the emergence of ancient civilization has not occurred without a great price
Now that celiac disease has been allowed official entry into the annals of established medical conditions, and gluten intolerance is no longer entirely a fringe medical concept, the time has come to draw attention to the powerful little chemical in wheat known as 'wheat germ agglutinin' (WGA) which is largely responsible for many of wheat's pervasive, and difficult-to-diagnose, ill effects
Sixteen years ago, the release of "The Dark Side of Wheat" marked a significant turning point in our understanding of wheat and its impact on human health
Of all the illnesses in industrial society, diabetes takes the greatest toll. Over 100,000 people die from complications of diabetes each year. Another million lose quality of life due to metabolic syndrome. Diabetes adds $135 billion to the annual cost of healthcare in the U.S.1 Yet diabetes remains avoidable, treatable, and reversible.
Heart disease while still the #1 cause of mortality in the developed world, can be prevented and even reversed disease with nutrition, according to a growing body of scientific research
Sometimes going gluten free is just not enough to reduce symptoms of bloating and other functional bowel complaints, including IBS. Could there be more to the picture than previously believed? Enter the acronym FODMAPs, as it may provide a crucial missing link in solving the problem once and for all...
Could gluten's toxicity extend to the nervous system, producing symptoms identical to classical Parkinson's disease? A compelling case study adds to a growing body of research indicating that wheat's neurotoxicity is greatly underestimated.
Sayer Ji, the author of "The Dark Side of Wheat," discusses the emerging viewpoint that wheat represents a human species-specific intolerance that should be universally avoided.
Grains have gotten a bad rap in recent years, with the rise in popularity of paleo and ketogenic diets turning people away from many carbohydrate foods. But oats are an exception to the “no carb” rule. Packed with slow-burning energy, oats are a versatile super food that can fuel an active day and contribute to lifelong disease resistance
Sixteen years ago, the release of "The Dark Side of Wheat" marked a significant turning point in our understanding of wheat and its impact on human health
Could gluten's toxicity extend to the nervous system, producing symptoms identical to classical Parkinson's disease? A compelling case study adds to a growing body of research indicating that wheat's neurotoxicity is greatly underestimated.
Two of the Western world's most popular foods have been implicated in immune mediated brain damage.