Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)

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21 Diseases Researched for Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
1 Adverse Pharmacological Actions Researched for Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)

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41 Abstracts with Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Research

Pubmed Data : Arch Dermatol Res. 1986;278(6):433-6. PMID: 3789802
Study Type : Human Study
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Problem Substances : Gluten, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1989 Feb;113(2):186-9. PMID: 2916907
Study Type : Human Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Pubmed Data : Histochem J. 1996 Jan;28(1):7-12. PMID: 8866643
Study Type : Animal Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Pubmed Data : Br J Nutr. 1993 Jul;70(1):313-21. PMID: 8399111
Study Type : Animal Study
Pubmed Data : Gastroenterology. 1982 May;82(5 Pt 1):838-48. PMID: 6895878
Study Type : Animal Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Science. 1983 Jun 17;220(4603):1290-2. PMID: 17769370
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Pubmed Data : Cell Biol Int. 2011 Mar 1;35(3):281-6. PMID: 21029043
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Diseases : Breast Cancer
Adverse Pharmacological Actions : Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C Up-Regulation
Article Publish Status : This is a free article. Click here to read the complete article.
Pubmed Data : BMJ. 1999 Apr 17 ;318(7190):1023-4. PMID: 10205084
Study Type : Review
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Acta Histochem Suppl. 1988;36:277-83. PMID: 3150561
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Cancer. 1988 Dec 1;62(11):2354-62. PMID: 3179951
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 1996 Nov;28(11):1285-91. PMID: 9022287
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Pubmed Data : Br Poult Sci. 2017 Jan 19:1-7. Epub 2017 Jan 19. PMID: 27845560
Study Type : In Vitro Study
Pubmed Data : Infect Immun. 1999 Jul;67(7):3461-8. PMID: 10377127
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Biochemistry (Mosc). 1998 Jun;63(6):710-8. PMID: 9668212
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Diseases : Clotting
Pubmed Data : J Cell Physiol. 1985 Sep;124(3):474-80. PMID: 2995421
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Arch Biochem Biophys. 1987 Apr;254(1):110-5. PMID: 3555340
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Insulin Mimetic
Pubmed Data : Acta Biochim Pol. 2001;48(2):563-72. PMID: 11732625
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Insulin Mimetic
Pubmed Data : Infect Immun. 1989 Jun;57(6):1854-7. PMID: 2722243
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins, Molecular Mimicry
Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Toxicol In Vitro. 2004 Dec;18(6):821-7. PMID: 15465648
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Pubmed Data : J Neurochem. 1994 Jun;62(6):2404-19. PMID: 7514652
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1988 Jan;85(2):632-6. PMID: 2448779
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : J Cell Sci. 1992 Jan;101 ( Pt 1):43-53. PMID: 1569128
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : J Cell Biol. 1982 Mar;92(3):753-64. PMID: 7045136
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Neuroscience. 1993 Jan;52(1):35-44. PMID: 7679480
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : FEBS Lett. 1996 Nov 18;397(2-3):139-42. PMID: 8955334
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Thromb Res. 1984 Dec 1;36(5):447-56. PMID: 6441308
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Thromb Haemost. 1986 Dec 15;56(3):323-7. PMID: 3105108
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Biochemistry. 2001 Oct 30;40(43):12992-3001. PMID: 11669637
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Cell Struct Funct. 1989 Feb;14(1):87-93. PMID: 2720800
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : J Biol Chem. 1983 Dec 10;258(23):14136-43. PMID: 6315720
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Biochim Biophys Acta. 1977 Sep 5;469(2):202-10. PMID: 561616
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : BMC Neurosci. 2008;9:96. Epub 2008 Oct 2. PMID: 18831764
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Glia. 1999 Jul;27(1):53-61. PMID: 10401632
Study Type : In Vitro Study
Additional Links
Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Plant Physiol. 1980 Nov;66(5):950-955. PMID: 16661559
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Problem Substances : Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Clin Exp Immunol. 1986 Jan;63(1):95-100. PMID: 3754186
Study Type : Commentary
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Diseases : Celiac Disease
Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 1995 May;6(2):98-102. PMID: 7581728
Study Type : Commentary
Pubmed Data : J Cell Biol. 1985 Nov;101(5 Pt 1):1690-4. PMID: 3840487
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : J Cell Biochem. 2004 Apr 15;91(6):1159-73. PMID: 15048871
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Problem Substances : Lectins, Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2009 Jun 1;237(2):146-53. Epub 2009 Mar 28. PMID: 19332085
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Problem Substances : Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1985 Dec;4(6):923-30. PMID: 3906076
Study Type : Commentary
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)
Pubmed Data : Biochem J. 1982 Sep 15;206(3):571-6. PMID: 6897353
Study Type : In Vitro Study
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Additional Keywords : Lectins
Problem Substances : Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA)

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A radical new perspective on wheat's harmful properties has been proposed, which instead of looking at it as just a wholesome food that some people have problem consuming, perhaps it should be considered a pathogen with similar mechanisms of harm to viruses or bacteria.
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Despite popular misconceptions gluten is only the tip of a very large iceberg. There are actually 23,788 distinct proteins that have been identified in wheat, any one of which could incite a negative immune reaction in the body.
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Discussing the challenges and misunderstandings about what makes for a healthy glutenfree lifestyle with the example of a grain-free Paleolithic diet.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
In this article a key question is brought to the forefront, namely, is eating wheat and gluten free enough to obtain optimal health? The mass market has done quite a good job of accommodating the gluten & wheat free movement by providing an increasingly wide number of good tasting and relatively nutritious "whole grain" products. But are whole grains like rice, or other substitute flours like potato, really good for us?
Written by Dr. Jill Tieman, DC
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Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
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Written by Kelly Brogan, M.D.
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Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
The "diseases of affluence," as they are known, include diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer, and are sometimes referred to as the "Western disease" paradigm. They emerge largely in response to the type of overnourishment that occurs in relatively wealthy societies, and particularly the overconsumption of certain biologically incompatible foods that have become the nutritional centerpiece of agrarian and largely grain-based cultures.
Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
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Written by Sayer Ji, Founder
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"What is unique about the sugar-binding protein known as wheat lectin (WGA) is that it can do direct damage to the majority of tissues in the human body without requiring a specific set of genetic susceptibilities and/or immune-mediated articulations. This may explain why chronic inflammatory and degenerative conditions are endemic to wheat-consuming populations even when overt allergies or intolerances to wheat gluten appear exceedingly rare. The future fate of wheat consumption, and by implication our health, may depend largely on whether or not the toxic qualities of WGA come to light in the general population.


Nature engineers, within all species, a set of defenses against predation, though not all are as obvious as the thorns on a rose or the horns on a rhinoceros. Plants do not have the cell-mediated immunity of higher life forms, like ants, nor do they have the antibody driven, secondary immune systems of vertebrates with jaws. They must rely on a much simpler, innate immunity. It is for this reason that seeds of the grass family, e.g. rice, wheat, spelt, rye, have exceptionally high levels of defensive glycoproteins known as lectins. Cooking, sprouting, fermentation and digestion are the traditional ways in which man, for instance, deals with the various anti-nutrients found within this family of plants, but lectins are, by design, particularly resistant to degradation through a wide range of pH and temperatures.


WGA lectin is an exceptionally tough adversary as it is formed by the same disulfide bonds that make vulcanized rubber and human hair so strong, flexible and durable. Like man-made pesticides, lectins are extremely small, resistant to break-down by living systems, and tend to accumulate and become incorporated into tissues where they interfere with normal biological processes. Indeed, WGA lectin is so powerful as an insecticide that biotech firms have used recombinant DNA technology to create genetically modified WGA-enhanced plants. We can only hope that these virtually unregulated biotech companies, who are in the business of playing God with the genetic infrastructure of Life, will realize the potential harm to humans that such genetic modifications can cause."  Read More: Opening Pandora’s Bread Box: The Critical Role of Wheat Lectin in Human Disease.

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